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Sexy Cupless Faux Leather Buckle-up Steampunk Corset Bustier

Sexy Cupless Faux Leather Buckle-up Steampunk Corset Bustier

Reg Price: $??

Our Price: $16.03

Product Description



Great for waist training, costume and fashion corset

Back Design: Lace-Up.

Material:Cupless Faux Leather Corset Costume

How to wear:

It might be helpful to have assistance the first time you try on your corset

1. Loosen the corset by undoing the centre loops and pulling the back of corset
apart 6-7″ but dont undo the laces at the bottom of the corset.

2. Fasten the front bust clasps, beginning at one of the middle clasps

3. Reach around your back and situate the loops by gently pulling from the very top
and the very bottom,until you meet in the middle with tightened lacing.

We recommend a corset 6-7″ below your natural waist measurement at the narrowest part.
After Wear:

Firmed And Flattened Midsection

Improve Your Posture And Enhance Your Curves

Stimulates Perspiration

Plus a healthy diet and active lifestyle,you will get a healthy slim figure

Party,Wedding and Perfect for wearing as a shapewear corset or showing it off for some cosplay fun.
Suitable For :the customer must be 18 or older to purchase this product.

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Sexy Cupless Faux Leather Buckle-up Steampunk Corset Bustier Details:

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