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Sebastopol Handmade White Area Rug

Sebastopol Handmade White Area Rug

Reg Price: $399.00

Our Price: $104.99

Sebastopol Handmade White Area Rug Why keep the artful accents limited to your walls? Bring beauty to your floors as well with this alluring area rug. Start by rolling it out beside a low-slung leather sofa for a lively living room ensemble, then tie in industrial elegance with a copper pendant shining overhead and a wood console table where you can put gear accents on display. For a more layered look, try adding in other uniquely shaped rugs around the space to assemble an eclectic aesthetic. Taking on an animal-hide design…

Sebastopol Handmade White Area Rug Details:

Color As Picture
Brands Trent Austin Design